Release Notes for Bentley AutoPIPE Nozzle V8i (Commercial Release - v08.11.08.38 English)

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Nozzle
Area: Release Notes
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
April 2022

Bentley AutoPIPE Nozzle V8i

Building TypeCONNECT Release Product
Operating SystemsSee AutoPIPE installed version

Bentley® AutoPIPE Nozzle is a stand-alone, engineering application used for calculating local stresses at nozzle/vessel junctions, trunnion attachment points, clip connections and lug attachments on the vessel shell. Based on well-known engineering design standards like WRC, KHK, API and PD, AutoPIPE Nozzle helps engineers and designers quickly determine whether or not the wall of a pressure vessel, exchanger or tank can withstand piping loads on the nozzle or at clip and lug connections.

Program Features

The standard configuration of program includes these features:

Design Code Years

For ASME Design Codes following code years are available:

ASME Div 1:

ASME Div 2:

Product Download and Installation

AutoPIPE Nozzle is no longer distributed as an independent program. It is installed with AutoPIPE and free to use with an active AutoPIPE Advanced and/or Nuclear Edition license.

Network Considerations

Network drives are not supported for the software and data files.

AutoPIPE Nozzle software must be installed on a local client workstation.

AutoPIPE Nozzle data files (*.NOZ) must have full read/write access and can only be accessed from a local client workstation.


AutoPIPE Nozzle requires an active AutoPIPE Advanced or Nuclear license to function. Please refer to AutoPIPE Readme file for more details on AutoPIPE Licensing.


Program Help: Detailed feature information may be accessed directly from the calling application by selecting the Help command, or by pressing the Help button from any of the application dialogs. Be sure to explore the program Help for answers to your questions.

Documentation for AutoPIPE Nozzle applications is provided online in the CHM format. These files are accessible from the Help Menu and can be browsed, searched, or printed.

AutoPIPE Nozzle Quick Start guide is a PDF which can be browsed, searched, or printed with the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Information and how to download a FREE copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader can be obtained from

It is highly recommended that you obtain the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

What is new and changed

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE Nozzle Release Notes

Bentley AutoPIPE