27. How to customize layer names and colors in AutoCAD drawings exported from AutoPIPE Vessel?


The following 2 files used by the program: apacadin and apacadmm located in the config folders can be modified to make the modifications to satisfiy your customization requirements. Otherwise, please change the layer name and other changes in AutoCAD drawing it self.

You can enter Your own names of layers.

 Line Styles used in AutoPIPE Vessel

!              AutoPIPE Vessel Index   = AutoPIPE Vessel Line Style

!                              0                             = CONTINUOUS MEDIUM

!                              1                             = CONTINUOUS THIN

!                              2                             = CONTINUOUS HEAVY

!                              3                             = DASH

!                              4                              = SHORT DASH

!                              5                             = CENTER

 The user can enter his own names of layers in this file “Aprotol\ap_param.cfg”

All user layers will exist in the file “Aprotol\apacadmm.dwg” (millimeters) or the file “Aprotol\apacadin.dwg” (inches)

 In AutoCAD, the user can enter his own names of layers in this file “Aprotol\apacadmm.dwg” ( Color , Line Style )

 File …\Bentley\Engineering\AutoPIPE Vessel_42\Aprotol\ap_param.cfg

                 AutoPIPE Vessel will copy this file “Aprotol\ap_param.cfg” into the Working Directory “C:\Users\Public\Documents\AutoPIPE Vessel_42\Puser1”

 Start AutoPIPE Vessel

                                                Menu “File”

                                                                Menu “Preference…”

                                                                                Tab “Default Path”