F. General

01. Why there are significantly higher values in wind loading in some particular sections of vessels despite the model no platforms / ladders or other equipment?

02. How to check for bolt load calculations for longitudinal saddle load generated during bundle pullout?

03. The program do not finish the calculation

04. How to calculate the tensile stress in bolts of an AutoPIPE Vessel model?

05. Allowable stresses input by user for test conditions in AutoPIPE Vessel

06. The Calculation Strength command or button is grayed out, How to resolve this in AutoPIPE Vessel?

07. Error in the calculation of yC: yC = m + E + m + H/2 in the edition of the results

08. When I select a component and click on "Show Selected Report Calculation Details", nothing seems to happen. What is the solution?

09. Why does the AutoPIPE Vessel calculate different wall thickness for a vertical vessel where one chamber is made with 2 sections of the same material?

10. Rounding Error - value of pi

11. Results are different when using different versions of AutoPIPE Vessel

12. Longitudinal loads on saddles

13. How are the RAHL values calculated? When do the sliding saddles start to move in AutoPIPE Vessel?

14. Obtaining foundation load in AutoPIPE Vessel

15. How do I analyze a rectangular vessel attachment or wear plate?

16. How to perform calculations for test case in AutoPIPE Vessel?

17. Execute > View Calculation Results command not working

18. The "Period" is calculated by what method in AutoPIPE Vessel?

19. Why saddle support reactions are 0.00 in an AutoPIPE Vessel output report?

20. How do you analyze a head with a skirt smaller than the diameter of the head?

21. How AutoPipe vessel takes care of Saddle if its placed on Transition element like Cone?

22. Consequence of the input of the elevation in the dialog of the bracket or ring in AutoPIPE Vessel?

23. Why reactions at the bracket support are not matching with the hand calculations?

24. Limpet Coil Moment of Inertia calculation verification

25. Local stresses in the shell has not been calculated, Why?

26. Why corrosion allowance is not taking in consideration for anchor bolts?

27. How Foundation Loads are calculated in vertical vessels?

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE Vessel

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