07. Why the vertical force is considered as 0 if the SDS is greater than 0.125 as per ASMC 7-16?

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Vessel
Date Logged
& Current Version
Nov 2023


Why the vertical force is considered as 0 if the SDS is greater than 0.125 as per ASMC 7-16?


There is a bug in software for ASCE 7-16 in version v44.00.00.111.

As per ASCE 7-10, Vertical seismic load effect is permitted to take zero if SDS ≤ 0.125.

AutoPIPE Vessel report only shows the clause but actual calculated value is not reported. Calculated value of Ev is used in the further checks. See below image.

But as per ASCE 7-16, Vertical seismic load effect is permitted to take zero for Seismic Design Category B.

This new clause is not considered in the new software version with ASCE 7-16.

A bug has been created and it is under progress. This will be available for user soon.


See Also

AutoPIPE Vessel

Bentley LEARN Server