09. Factor K and required thickness calculations are not matching with manual calculations in limpet

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Vessel
Date Logged
& Current Version
Nov 2023


Factor K and required thickness calculations are not matching with manual calculations in limpet coil on Heads, Why?


In limpet coil, calculations of factor K is performed with respect to ASME Section VIII Div. 2 Clause

Find below snap of code for reference.

ASME Section VIII Div. 1 and Div. 2 gives same set of information.

But ASME Section VIII Div. 2 has no limitations on the vessel diameter and Factor K can be calculated with numerical formula without any graph.

Hence, AutoPIPE Vessel calculates with respect to ASME Section VIII Div. 2.


See Also

AutoPIPE Vessel

Bentley LEARN Server