Error Code 331 - NOZZLE N1: Weld sizes are not adequate

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Vessel
Environment: N/A
Area: Error
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


The following occurs when I perform the Strength Calculations: 


Error Code 331 - NOZZLE N1: Weld sizes are not adequate.

How to fix it?

Case 1. For Nozzle 1: Setting the “outward nozzle weld [1]” to 8.5 mm, the program generates an error message that the weld is inadequate. Why?

The calculation file in ‘isolated openings’ seems ok and, in my opinion, correctly calculates the available areas. With area A41 in particular.


In the MAP condition, the check does not consider corrosion which is applied to the shell in operating condition only (3.2mm).


Calculation goes then as follows for the MAP Condition:

Min Required weld = min (6mm, Shell thickness *0.7) = min (6 mm, 9.52*0.7) = 6mm

Then the nozzle weld is 8.5mm (imposed by user) *0.7 = 5.95 mm

Then 5.95 mm < 6mm so it flags.

UW16 for the MAP conditions is not edited, just internally checked. That's why we do not see the reason of error in the report.

In new condition the minimal required thickness is 6mm. You can increase the 8.5mm of weld by a little (8.6 mm is enough).


In the corroded condition:

Shell thickness = 9.52 -3.2 = 6.32mm

Min Required weld = min (6mm, 6.32 *0.7) = 4.424 mm

Then 5.95mm > 4.424 mm. This is what we see in the report.

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE