"Extended Components Report" or Component Data Listing Report - Model Input listing sub-report in Au

AutoPIPE "Extended Components Report" or Component Data Listing Report has a very specific format that differs from other input listing reports. See Example below:

This report follows the general format:

This report format helps to place all of the information applied between 2 node points in the model. 

To assist in your learning of generating a model solely from the "Extended Components Report" or Component Data Listing Report, consider performing the following:

a. Open Walkthru.APC from the AutoPIPE's Example folder

b. Generate an Model input listing that includes the "Extended Components Report" or "Component Data Listing Report".

c. Begin by opening AutoPIPE's Walkthru model in the application and having a duplicate of the input report at hand. Commence reading from the beginning of the report, progressing through each set of node points systematically. As you go along, make connections between the text and AutoPIPE's input grids and dialogs to comprehensively grasp all the elements being implemented on the set of node points.

Refer to AutoPIPE help for more information.