Q. How to perform a Flange Analysis per EN 1591 in AutoPIPE?

Starting with AutoPIPE, AutoPIPE includes the solver for EN 1591-1 [Flanges and their joints - Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections]. The EN 1591 solver does not have any UI interface when directly interacting, however uses a command line-type interface. To get started, please refer to the user reference manual and other important information located at the default installation directory of the AutoPIPE version you have installed.

The User Reference is a complete guide describing the use of the solver and the schema for input database. The User Reference also includes a Quick Start section on how to run the example model provided with AutoPIPE installation.

This feature is still being developed. If you have any comments on using the feature, please let us know by logging a new case here and referencing this WIKI . 


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