E516-89: Program has failed to validate your SELECT subscription... error message in AutoPIPE

Applies To
Area: Error
Date Logged
& Current Version
Feb 2024


The following appears when trying to run an analysis in AutoPIPE, 

E516-89: Program has failed to validate your SELECT subscription.
The Support Optimizer feature is only available with a valid SELECT subscription.
Please contact Bentley Technical Support for details. 


Why and how to avoid?


The reason for this error message to appear is because AutoPIPE cannot validate your SELECT subscription to include AutoPIPE Advanced or AutoPIPE Nuclear license entitlements.

How to avoid this issue?

1. Reboot your computer

2. Log into Connection Client

3. Open BLT (Bentley Licensing Tool)

Work with your company appointed Bentley On Site Admin:

a. Send logs Now

b. Refresh Policy

c. Reset Policy

d. Confirm Entitlement for either AutoPIPE Advance or AutoPIPE Nuclear 

4. Open AutoPIPE.

5. Confirm that AutoPIPE Advanced or Nuclear license is being used.

6. Try to use Support Optimizer.  

 Only after the application has confirm your entitlements on BLT and using AutoPIPE Advanced or Nuclear license will you be able to use Support Optimizer. 

See Also

Error Messages displayed in AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE