b. NEW User Guide for AutoPIPE

As a new user one should take the time to thoroughly go through each hyperlink and sub-links to start their journey of using AutoPIPE 

» Must see information

» Available Tutorial - Training - Distance Learning - etc... options with Bentley AutoPIPE

» AutoPIPE User interface

» How Do I ..... 

» Warnings, Errors, Crashed, Confirm, etc.. messages

» Receive Bentley emails

» FAQ - AutoPIPE v9.3 and lower

» FAQ - AutoPIPE v9.4 and higher - ***under construction***

» AutoPIPE Manuals

» AutoPIPE Vs Caesar - User interface

» Where is that command in AutoPIPE now?

» See AutoPIPE help for all the settings on these dialogs:

(changes to these settings may have profound impact on your results)

AutoPIPE CONNECT 11.xx and higher

a. Tools> General Options
b. Tools> Edit Options
c. Results> Results Options> Model

AutoPIPE CONNECT 10.01 and lower

Tools> Model Options:

a. General
b. Edit
c. Results

Note: What Features and Piping codes are available in AutoPIPE Standard, Plus, or Nuclear?