02b. Static Analysis in AutoPIPE

The Analyze> Static Analysis Sets or Load> Static Analysis Sets command allows the user to define multiple static analyses (analysis sets) and provide references to these results from separate analyses during post-processing.

The Analysis Static option enables the user to perform all the selected static analysis sets considering any scenarios of gravity and thermal expansion loads, plus wind loads and/or static earthquake loads if they have been defined. This is a very powerful feature to run multiple scenarios to see how sensitive an analysis may be for a single changed setting. Example: Analysis Set #1 could be configured to ignore weight of contents in the piping while Analysis Set #2 can be configured to consider weight of contents in the piping. Again, power feature to run multiple different scenarios in the same model. 

For additional information, open the Static Analysis Set dialog and press the "HELP" button for details on all the key features.

To define load cases for a specific analysis set, highlight a row by clicking the mouse on the first square in the column just to the left of Analysis Set No., the row should be highlighted black with white lettering, now left click the "Modify" button.

In a moment the"Static Analysis Load Cases" dialog should appear. AutoPIPE only activates load case input fields for currently defined load cases. Again press the "HELP" button for details of features available on this or the previous dialog screen.

"Static Analysis Sets" and "Static Analysis Load Cases"  dialog
Questions and Answers:

Item #1: Results does not appear to be considering weight of contents

Item #2: Static / Dynamic Analysis Fluid Density Factor

Item #3:  Is it possible to export / store / import static analysis setting (load-case)?

Item #4: Run a thermal-only analysis load case  without gravity case

Item #5: What does "Remove Lift-off Supports" mean on Analysis sets dialog?

Item #6: How to perform an analysis that considers no pressure and no contents?

Perform a Static Analysis
Questions and Answers:

A. Why does a Static Analysis take so long to complete?

See Also

Loads and Load Sets - AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE