• AP Install Error 1911 - Can't register msxml4.dll

    I recently had a user run into an error when installing AutoPLANT SS3 on a 64-bit environment.  He kept getting the following error during the install process -

    Error 1911. Could not register type library for file C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml4.dll.  Contact your support personnel.

    Abort       Retry       Ignore


    AutoPLANT delivers the MSXML SP2 from Microsoft with our installer which installs this file.  I had the user try installing…

  • OPPID Handle Manipulation

    The best way to manipulate OPPID components is to use handles. Handles are represented by on-screen interactive graphics when an element is selected. They are most often represented in the form of a box at key points on a selected component. On lines, an arrow is added to the handle to indicate the direction in which the line can be moved. Handle manipulation can affect components with relationships: Pipe runs and Valves…
  • OpenPlant and EC Expressions

    OpenPlant applications use regular expressions to format properties and in particular Tag Numbers. Google uses the same expression language for its search engine.
    Formulating expressions can get quite complicated.  “Ask the Experts“ have offered recordings on this topic   (thx Tony).  
     A good (and free) resource for testing expressions can be downloaded at http://www.radsoftware.com.au/regexdesigner/