How to Set Pipeline Color by Service in OpenPlant Modeler

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler
Environment:Windows 7 64 bit & Others
Original Author:Justinas Lipnickas, Bentley Product Advantage Group

To set Pipeline colors according to the service and level according to the pipeline name is a frequent asked and used technique. Use the steps below to achieve this in OpenPlant Modeler.


OpenPlant component symbology is managed in the typical Microstation fashion. It is controlled through a combination of Named Expressions (used to read attributes and assign the Element Templates accordingly) and Element Templates (where symbology is defined for the elements identified by the Named Expression).

Steps to Accomplish

  1. All of component symbology settings are usually set in OPmodeler.dgnlib file, located in WorkSpace\Projects\%project_name%\DataSet\Dgnlibs folder. Open file by navigating the mentioned path.

  2. In menu select Element -> Element Templates;

  3. Browse to OpenPlant -> Piping section, see what templates are already available. If required create new for your services:

  4. In menu open Utilities -> Named Expressions. Here for Pipelines you have to update 3 expressions:


    "BY_LEVEL_AND_TEMPLATE:" & PIPELINE.NAME & ":OpenPlant\Piping\" & PIPELINE.SERVICE_NAME & ":Centerline"

    "BY_LEVEL_AND_TEMPLATE:" & PIPELINE.NAME & ":OpenPlant\Piping\" & PIPELINE.SERVICE_NAME & ":Insulation"

  5. Result in OPM should look something like this:

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