How to Add Misc Attachments Floor Opening class in OPIM Schema

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant Isometrics Manager
Version(s):08.11.09.XXX (SS5) | 08.11.11.XXX (SS6)

Windows 7/8.1/10 (64 bit)

Original Author:Abhijit Bute, Bentley Product Advantage Group


Some AutoPLANT classes like "Floor Opening" are not included in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager (SS5, SS6) schema. If there is requirement to visualize some AutoPLANT symbols like Floor opening in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager, it can be done by creating required class in OpenPlant_3D schema.

In this example user would like to have AutoPLANT's Floor opening symbols presented in generated isometrics model.

Steps to Accomplish:

Add Floor Opening class in OPIM schema

  1. Open class editor, navigate to project path and open “OpenPlant_3D.01.04.ecschema.xml” schema.
    C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Plant V8i\Bentley Plant V8i Projects\SAMPLE_METRIC\Config\OpenPlant\schemas
  2. Supplement this schema with “OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Isometrics_Isoextractor.01.04.ecschema.xml”
  3. Now search “Note” class found under "Plant base object>Named Item>Note"
  4. Under “Note” class create new class by using “Add derived class” option.
  5. Assign name “FLOOR_OPENING”.

  6. Now right click on wall penetration and copy custom attributes.

  7. Paste copied custom attributes on FLOOR_OPENING class.
  8. Edit the AutoPLANT class name like in below image.

  9. For getting dimension in Isometric, a 'Dimension Note' property needs to be Copied from wall penetration class and pasted in FLOOR_OPENING class.

  10. Save the schema, restart AutoPLANT model and generate isometric to verify the result

Still a Problem?

If above problem still persist, then please create a Service Request and contact the Bentley Product Advantage group.  Please include a list of all relevant details to get in depth analysis for a solution or workaround. 

See Also

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