To Select Set of Bolt Length in Spec Grid After Calculation in OpenPlant Modeler

 Applies To 
 Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler
 Version(s) /
 Environment: Windows 7 (64 bit) | Windows 8
 Area: Component
 Subarea: Data - Bolts-Spec Grids - Query
 Original Author:Rahul Kumar, Bentley Product Advantage Group


To select correct set of bolt length in spec grid after calculation in OpenPlant Modeler.

Problem Description

In OpenPlant Modeler, while querying the bolts during modeling a flanged type components, it displays list of Bolts to select in spec grid as per calculated length it suits to. User was under impression that it should list out all the data entered in spec with all possible types in spec grid. 


In user spec, for Bolt lengths which are failing to accompany the minimum calculated length does not show inside the spec grid. For example, there were 4 different length available in spec for a size, say 108, 121, 133, 238 and minimum length required calculated as 110. In result to it, displays only 3, i.e. 121, 133, 238 and left length 108, which was shorter than the minimum calculated length. Check below example.

In Spec:

In Spec grid while placement:

See below step to describe the explanation of placement criteria.

Steps to Resolve

  1. To describe the situation, add one more entry to Bolt table & set the length as 111, as mating component length falling as 110 approximately.

    See spec entry

  2. Launch OpenPlant Modeler.

  3. Select project and place component, say WNRF here.

  4. Notice Spec grid option provided 4 option along with new entered bolt length. 

  5. Also check below calculation for the same on placed mating flange.  

Still a Problem?

If above problem still persist, then please create a Service Request and contact the Bentley Product Advantage group.  Please include a list of all relevant details to get in depth analysis for a solution or workaround. 

See Also

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