OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Changing Symbol Sizes for an A3 Isometric Sheet

When generating an OPIM Isometric using an A3 Seed file the scale of all fittings, valves, olets, supports etc., is too large. I need to be able to reduce the scale of the cells so that they are smaller in the designated Isometric Window Extents.

Typically we use an A1 Seed file so I don't have this problem on other projects, but our client is insisting that we use their A3 Iso Sheet which is causing the problem, basically because the Isometric Windows Extents is significantly smaller.

Is there anyway to achieve the desired result having for example Symbols that are half size? I have tried scaling the cells down in the attached Cel Library (lisocomp.cel) but this does not have any effect at all, they still appear too big.

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