Tees in continuation are not shown dashed in the isometric

Good Day,

When generating an isometric of a line continuing to another starting from a Tee, this tee is not shown with a dashed line.

When the line continues to an elbow, the elbow is shown dashed.

If the line continues to another pipe, the continuation also is shown correctly dashed.

This is how openplant isometric manager configuration page looks now:

What can I do to fix this issue?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Autoplant version:
OPIM version:

Parents Reply
  • Hello Luis,

    Could you please try following steps:

    1. Open Seed file.
    2. Go file>save as
    3. Select dwg click on “Option” button.

    4. Set Line code scale to 2.000 and click Save.

    5. Select 'opim.dws' click on Save button.

    6. File>save settings.
    7. Exit from seed file.
    8. Generate isometric in dwg format and open generated isometric in AutoCAD format.


    For more details regarding Micro-station conversion to dwg line style refer following link:


    Hope this help. Looking forward to your reply.

    Abhijit Bute



    Answer Verified By: Luis Barbiero 
