Passing Pipeline Property to Instruments and Other Inline Components

If someone has some experience with the following situation, I would appreciate any guidance.

The goal is for the target component (an instrument, valve, or other inline components) to take on the value of a property from a pipeline at instantiation but not change if the pipeline value is changed.  The pipeline value is to be used as the default only.

I set up a Notify Related Component of Property Value change custom attribute on the pipeline to pass the value to the pipe run.  I want the pipe run value to always update, and this works as expected.  So for this example, PIPING_NETWORK_SYSTEM.PROPERTY_X is passed to PIPING_NETWORK_SEGMENT.PROPERTY_X

I run into problems when I attempt to pass the pipe run property to the target. 

The following summarizes the configuration being used for instruments.

PIPING_NETWORK_SEGMENT.PROPERTY_X utilizes a Notify Related Component of Property Value Change custom attribute with the following:
  Notify Target of Relationship = TRUE
  Relationship Class Name = oppid:SEGMENT_HAS_INSTRUMENT
  Related Class Name = INSTRUMENT
  Related Class Property Name = (blank)
  Cascade Property Value change = FALSE
  Set Default Property Value = TRUE
A similar custom attribute is used for valves with the Relationship Class Name = RUN_HAS_IN_RUN

The values utilized are expect to give the desired results of setting the default value only for the INSTRUMENT.PROPERTY_X.  All possible combinations (blank, true, false) of CASCADE PROPERTY VALUE CHANGE and SET DEFAULT PROPERTY VALUE have been tried but only the following two outcomes listed above been achieved:

* The target component does not take on the correct value at instantiation and does not change when the pipeline property value is changed.
* The target component takes on the correct value at instantiation, and the target component value changes when the pipeline property value is changed.

Neither of these is the desired outcome of only setting the default value of INSTRUMENT.PROPERTY_X.

I would also think that some combination would also not set the target default value but would change the target value if the pipeline value is changed.  This outcome was not experience either.

If anyone has experience with this and got it to work, I'd appreciate it.
