OP Support Engineering BuildMethod using PipeExtend placement method

Im trying to use my buildmethod with the PipeExtend placement method similar to a "Riser Clamp".
I have made a simple script(se below) that works but theres several things that I dont understand in the "OPSE Manual".
For example
1. I cant find any explanation about the BasicShapes.SetRData function. What parameters does this function have?
2. The connector. Is the "Origin" connector the only thing controlling the direction/start point of the "BES_SL" parameter?
   Rotating the connector for example will result in that I also will rotate everything in the "space" object which is not ideal if I have several BESPieces in the BESSpace.

def testPipeExtend(name,param):
    uom = "MM"
    cLen=BESParamReader.RealValue(param, "BES_SL", 0, uom)    
    profL = BESExtrusion("profileL", "PROFILE_L", "LEFT", uom, 30, 30, 5, 5, 0, 0, cLen)    
    space = BESSpace("test")    
    BasicShapes.AddConnector(space, "Origin", 0, 0, 0, uom, 0, 0, 0)
    BasicShapes.AddConnector(space, "yrdy", 0, 0, 0, uom, 0, -90, 0)
    BasicShapes.SetRData("R", uom, 1, "yrdy", 30, 0, 0, 0)    
    return space

  • SetRData defines the envelope that appears when you are stretching the component using BES_SL. The "R" argument is for round shape and "S" would be for square shape and the trailing arguments defines either the length and width or the diameter of the shape depending on S or R.

    The Origin connector defines the placement origin (and rotation) of the geometry of the full support. The BES_SL gives you the dynamic stretch length when the user is stretching the component. You can use that stretch length to calculate the position of the relevant BESPieces.


  • Ok. So the only way to change the direction/startpoint of the stretch object is to change the origin connector and rotate/move all the BESPieces in the opposite direction/startpoint?

    Currently I have the "OPSE Manual.doc" and the "OPSE Content Development Manual.chm". Are there any other documentation on this(primarily editing the scripts)?
    Testing these scripts is somewhat time consuming without a real debugger...currently Im using Notepad++ and import the script for testing. Are there any better way to debug the scripts?

  • Ok. So the only way to change the direction/startpoint of the stretch object is to change the origin connector and rotate/move all the BESPieces in the opposite direction/startpoint?

    Currently I have the "OPSE Manual.doc" and the "OPSE Content Development Manual.chm". Are there any other documentation on this(primarily editing the scripts)?
    Testing these scripts is somewhat time consuming without a real debugger...currently Im using Notepad++ and import the script for testing. Are there any better way to debug the scripts?

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