Activate Reference - why is it missing in OpenPlant?

Hello there, 

I am missing the option to activate a reference file.

In MicroStation you can activate a reference file, the rest is greyed out, then you can make changes inside the reference file and afterwards go back to the normal file by clicking "deactivate".

We are used to do it in MicroStation but the option is missing in OpenPlant Modeler and in the MicroStation which comes with OPM.

Is there a reason why it is like that? 

I may see a problem in OPM with the whole pipeline manager and so on, but I see no reason why it is missing in the MicroStation which comes with OPM. 

We are using OpenPlant Modeler Connect Edition Update 5 (

Parents Reply
  • Hey, are there any news regarding this? 

    I am wondering if the MicroStation integrated in OpenPlant is missing any more functionality, that I just have not noticed while testing it? 

    The consultants told us, that there would be a normal and fully functional MicroStation coming with OpenPlant, but it seems like it is not the case. 
    If it were the case there would not be any reason to rename it to "OpenPlant Modeler MicroStation". 


    Currently using:

    OpenPlant Modeler - Version:

    [MicroStation - Version:]

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