Parser Regular Expression

 I have a tag in Data Manager that has a tag that is something like this 1440-AC-999D07 where:

Area = 1440

Equipment Code/Device Code = AC

Number = 999

Suffx = D07


I have tried multiple variations of Parser Expressions and when I browse for the tag from Data Manager the number part of the suffix gets truncated.




What should the proper parser expression be where OPPID will not cut out the number portion of the suffix?



Parents Reply
  • Thanks for the quick reply Deepak but that expression did not work when browsing for the tags or synching from the database.  I have been using to check my parser expression and the ones that seem acceptable do not work.

    The expressions that I have tried are fine when generating the Name/Tag as you can see in the screenshot above.  The problem lies when synching to/from the database.  It just does not like the numerical part of the suffix.  Suffix is defined as a string in the OPPID Schema and it is a varchar in the DB.  The character limit for the suffix field in the DB is set to 5 so it all seems fine from that side.

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