How to link OPPID component with tag data in database

Hello All,

Normally we browse the tags in OPPID, then the component will link to database, if we revise the value in database, sync from database to drawing, the component in OPPID will be updated.

There is a project, we want to copy train 1 drawings to train 2, everything are same, we just need to re-tag the components. 

We have to select each  component in OPPID, browse the new tag from database. It is time-consuming.

I'm thinking, if we can revise the "link" between OPPID components and database, we just need to sync from database to drawing, then all the information in OPPID should be updated.

I have tried to revise the GUID of OPPID components, let it be same as the KEYTAG_GUID_PK in tag_reg( take equipment as example), but it is not enough, there are something else need to do. Does any one know what OPPID do exactly when browse the tag from database? 

Thanks a lot.