Migration Project from to Autoplant to OpenPlant Modeler Connect Edition U11. Import iModel to OpenPlant Modeler CEU11.


Is there an easier method to connect the Autoplan project to Openplan? Because this one (Autoplant to OpenPlant Migration with Migration Workflow...) is Cold sweat for the same company's products

And does it work with U11? Has anyone done this with an actual project?

And where can I get this special AP2OP Configuration? And should I buy something else? Because import Imodel doesn`t workRolling eyes


Best Regards

Alex Bilanovsky

  • Hi Alex,

    This migration is new. I am not sure if some user has done such migration and working on projects.

    But this migration depends upon your workflow.

    Do you want to see the content to iTwin/PlantSight? or the expectation is to have further modeling, modification?

    If further modeling/modification is required, then it would be good to connect with your Bentley account manager or area consultant.

    This workflow is new and might require extensive customization based on your current AutoPLANT details.

    Regards | Deepak Singh