How to Display Nozzle Rating and Facing Information on Connection & Continuation in OpenPlant Isome

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant Isometrics Manager
Environment: Windows 7/8.1 (64 bit)
Area: Settings/Attributes
Subarea: Schema- Custom attribute
Original Author:Abhijit Bute, Bentley Product Advantage Group


Equipment or Pipe Nozzles attributes information like Facing and Rating can be displayed in Isometrics.

Below steps will explain on how to add facing and rating information in isometric on connection point of a pipeline. 

OpenPlant Modeler-OpenPlant Isometrics Manager

Steps to Accomplish

  1. To add New Property "FACING" to a Nozzle class, Click here >>> to check similar wiki on adding FACING property for reference.
  2. In class editor, open schema.“OpenPlant_3D.01.06.ecschema.xml”. 
    Check default project path -  (..........\WorkSpace\Projects\OPModeler_Metric)

  3. Supplement it with "OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Isometrics_Isoextractor.01.06.ecschema.xml".
  4. Select Equipment NOZZLE class and edit Continuation Expression custom attribute value as in picture below:

    "$NOZZLE: " & this.EQUIPMENT_TAG & "$RATING: " & this.RATING & "$FACING: " & this.FACING

  5. Save all changes and start OpenPlant Modeler. Place new Nozzle and attach pipeline.
  6. Generate Isometrics, open it with OpenPlant Isometrics Manager and verify the results.

AutoPLANT Modeler-OpenPlant Isometrics Manager

Steps to Accomplish

A. Add New Property "Facing"

  1. Open class editor and navigate to project path and open schema.“OpenPlant_3D.01.04.ecschema.xml”.
    For ex. C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Plant V8i\Bentley Plant V8i Projects\SAMPLE_METRIC\Config\OpenPlant\schema

  2. Supplement this schema with "OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Isometrics_Isoextractor.01.04.ecschema.xml".
  3. Now search "PIPE_NOZZLE" class found under Plant base object>Named Item>Device>Piping Component or "NOZZLE" class found under Plant base object>Named Item>Device.

  4. Click add button and create new property "FACING".
  5. Click on "Custom Attributes". Add custom property "AutoPLANT_PDW_Property_Map". Refer below image:

  6. Give PropertyName "FACING_1". Refer below image.


B. For AutoPLANT Equipment Nozzle, edit NOZZLE class Continuation Expression.

  1. Under class tab. Add below expression.

    "$" & this.EQUIPMENT_TAG & "$NOZZLE: " & this.NUMBER & "$RATING: " & this.RATING & "$FACING: "& this.FACING

  2. Save the schema, restart AutoPLANT and verify the result.

C. For AutoPLANT Pipe Nozzle, Specify a new User Label

To show above schema changes in a connection label for the pipe nozzle user need to specify a user label in Open plant isometric configuration manager. See steps below:

  1. Open "Isometric Configuration".
  2. Select the active isometric style and pick the category “User Labels”.
  3. Create new Label and specify label definition as shown below:

    NamePipe Nozzle Labels
    Cell NameNOTE

  4. Save and close the configuration manager.
  5. Create an Isometric from a pipeline that connects to a pipe nozzle to verify the result.

See Also

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