How to Extract Reports for Multiple Component Class in OpenPlant Modeler

 Applies To 
 Product(s):OpenPlant Reporting
 Environment: Windows 7 (64 bit)
 Area: -
 Subarea: -
 Original Author:Rahul Kumar, Bentley Product Advantage Group

In OpenPlant Modeler, below explanations illustrates on generating reports for multiple component class.


During Reports generation, user requirement is to extract a report which includes Multiple classes such as Gaskets, Bolts, Piping Components, Supports etc. User need to query the report using Search dialog tool. Below steps illustrates on how to add the component class and then to show inside the report. It can be experienced using both OpenPlant Reporting product or through DGN reporting inside the OpenPlant Modeler. 

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Launch OpenPlant Modeler.

  2. Select project and place few pipelines and other components.

  3. Check in the data.
  4. Launch OpenPlant Reporting .

  5. Select Project and DGN file for which reports needed to generate. 

  6. Browse Reports and go to ‘Piping Components’ tab.

  7. Create a new report type which includes all components here, say TOTAL_BOM. 

  8. Click on the query button to select multiple options, as shown in image below

  9. Search for ‘Multiple Types of items’ option form the drop down menu. 

  10. Select desired classes from Add or remove items dialog box and click on OK.

  11. Do not forget to include item sub-types in results by clicking the icon shown in below image.

  12. Click Ok. Generate Reports & verify results in Grid View. 

See Also

See Help Menu for additional information.

Still a Problem?

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