How to Setup a Batch Routine to Sync all Drawings in my Project to the Database at one time

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant PID
Environment: Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 7 64 bit
Area: N/A
Subarea: N/A
Original Author:Brandon Moberg, Bentley Product Advantage Group


This document will briefly explain how users can take advantage of the existing Batch functionality that exists within the core drawing engine of OpenPLANT PID.  This Batch process can be ran against certain drawings in the project or all drawings.  If the users need to sync all drawings to the database this can be setup and the Batch Routine would run against all models and sync them to the database or vice versa.  Truly can run any Keyin in batch mode.  This could save many hours of time if the database needed to be updated before project's reports are ran.

Steps to Resolve

How to turn on the Batch Process:

  1. Create a .TXT document that contains the Keyin's needed.  The Keyin's ran in this example 1st turn the direction of the sync and then will run the sync.
    Contents of Keyins.txt file:
    pid plantproject dgntodb; pid plantproject sync,

  2. Open a drawing in the project in OpenPLANT PID.
    Utilities > Batch Process

  3. Select the "Browse for Command File" magnifying glass icon.
  4. Select your keyin.txt file.
  5. Depending on what models you want this command to be ran against Select "Initial Model".  In this instance we will use "All Models".
  6. Select Apply to Selection.
  7. Select the icon "Process Batch Process Job"

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