How to Modify Support Tag by Including Unit, Service and LineNumber Properties

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler
Environment:Windows 7 64 bit
Original Author:Harpreet Singh, Bentley Technical Support Group


In this wiki article we will discuss how support tag can be customized by including several properties in the tag. We will take example of three properties UNIT, SERVICE & LINENUMBER to build a tag for support.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Open Class Editor and load OpenPlant_3D schema.

  2. Supplement it with OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Modeling and OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_ModelingViews schemas.

  3. Go to Support class and switch to properties tab.

  4. Select UNIT property and click Override button.

  5. Add Calculated ECProperty Specification custom attribute on this property.

  6. Add below EC Expression in the custom attribute and change the other fields as highlighted in picture.


  7. Add Category custom attribute and fill in the values as shown below.

  8. Add new property SERVICE on Support class.

  9. Similar to step 5, add calculated ECProperty Specification custom attribute and add the expression as given below:


  10. Add Category custom attribute on SERVICE property and fill in the values as shown below:

  11. Now go to PIPING_COMPONENT class and add a new property LINE_NUMBER.

  12. Add Calculated ECProperty Specification on this property and add below expression.


  13. Go back to support class and add new property LINENUMBER.

  14. Add Claculated ECProperty Specification on this property and add below expression.


  15. Add Category custom attribute and fill in the values as shown below:

  16. Select NAME property now and modify the expression as given below:

  17. Save the changes and reopen the OpenPlant Modeler.

Verify the Result

  1. Open a new drawing.

  2. Create a pipeline and place some pipes in the model.

  3. Now place a support on the pipe.

  4. Select the support and check the element information dialog to see the tag.

Case II: How to pull the tag from adjoining support

There may be a case where primary support is connected to another support and same tag has to be applied to it. For example, DIRECTIONAL_SUPPORT_GUIDE is connected to TEE_SHOE as shown below:

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Open class editor and load schemas as mentioned in Steps 1 & 2.
  2. Go to DIRECTIONAL_SUPPORT_GUIDE class and select NAME property in properties tab.

  3. Click Override button on the right side.

  4. In Calculated ECProperty Specification custom attribute change the EC Expression to:


  5. Save the changes in schema.

Verify the Result

  1. Place a pipe in the model.
  2. Place Tee Shoe on the pipe and check the tag.

  3. Place Directional Support Guide on Tee shoe and check the tag in element info.

Note: For existing support, which have been placed prior to this modification will not update the tag automatically. To force the reevaluation of the tag,

See Also

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