How to Remove Information from Isometric Output

Applies To 
Product(s): OpenPlant Isometrics Manager
Environment: Windows 7 (32/ 64 bit)
Area: Settings/Attributes
Original Author:Bentley Product Advantage Group


Some users may require an Isometric drawing without Tagging, Spooling, Dimensions or Bill of Material Information.  Use the following to remove all or some or all of this information from the Isomeric output as is required.  Both AutoPLANT Modeler & OpenPlant Modeler can utilize the following procedures.

BOM tagging

  1. Go to the style’s rep_sortgroup.txt

  2. Add the Group at the top before the first rule



         SKIP = 1

  3. Save and close

Remove the Spool labels and other labels


  1. Open the style in Isometric Configuration

  2. Go to User Labels.

  3. Uncheck Pipe Spool Labels.

  4. Uncheck any other desired User Labels


Remove Dimensions


  1. Open the style in Isometric Configuration

  2. Go to Dimensioning

  3. Go to Primary tab

  4. Check Hide Overall Dimensions

  5. Check Hide Component Dimensions 

Remove Pipe size labels

  1. Open the style in Isometric Configuration.

  2. Go to Converter Settings.

  3. Uncheck Place Diameter Labels

  4. Uncheck Place Diameter Change Labels


Remove Coordinate labels


  1. Open the style in Isometric Configuration.

  2. Go to Converter Settings.

  3. Uncheck Coordinate Labels At All Extremities.

  4. Open lisocomp.cel file for the style located at.

  5. Project_Name\DataSet\Isometrics\Styles\Style_name\Cell.

  6. Find the PLANTC model.

  7. Rename the PLANTC model to any logical naming say PLANTC_NOSHOW.

  8. Save and close 


Remove the BOM output


  1. Go to the style’s report.def file

  2. Delete or Comment out the COMBI report by adding # sign before each line like below

    #REPORT = combi

    #   WRITE = shp

    #   TEXT  = @

    #   TEXT  = @

    #   WRITE = fld

    #   NODE = 60


  3. Delete or Comment out the CUT report adding  # sign before each line like below



    #    COLUMN  = 6:C:CUTID

    #    COLUMN  = 7:R:SIZE1

    #    COLUMN  = 21:R:QUANTITY

    #    COLUMN  = 3:R:

    #    COLUMN  = 80:W:IE_DESCRIPT

    #    GROUP   = CUTID

    #    SORT    = CUTID

    #    NODE    = 61


  4. Save and close the file.

 Note - To remove any report section then insert # before REPORT, otherwise use # sign before specific column to not display in BOM.

Remove Slope hatching


  1. Open the style in Isometric Configuration.

  2. Go to Annotation Hatch.

  3. Set Hatch Spacing (mm) 0.

  4. Save and close.

Still a Problem?

If above problem still persist, then please create a Service Request and contact the Bentley Product Advantage group.  Please include a list of all relevant details to get in depth analysis for a solution or workaround. 

See Also

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