How to Add NEW Schema Field to Component for Custom Tagging in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler / OpenPlant Isometrics Manager
Environment:Windows 7 (64 bit)
Area: Class Editor / Isometric Configuration 
Subarea: - 
Original Author: Michelle Saucier, Bentley Product Advantage Group


Users can require specific customization tags for components. They may need to put a tag regarding information not already provided by the component itself. 

Steps to Accomplish

  1. In Bentley Class Editor, load Schemas >classes>Plant Based Object>Named Item>Device>Piping Component>Piping Reducer>Eccentric Pipe Reducer.

  2. Copy STATE from the Properties tab.

  3. Paste and rename.

  4. From (Property Display Status) Show: Editable.

  5. Open> OpenPlant Modeler> place Eccentric Reducer> Element Information> Edit Named field for tag Choose a Direction.

  6. Run Pipeline Manager and Generate ISO Sheet.

  7. From ISO Extractor>Show Tag Data>locate named field for your new tag.

  8. Open Isometric Configuration Manager> User Labels> Add New Label (green Plus Sign ).

  9. Add the details from the Component Tag into the appropriate fields as shown.

  10. Save> Close> Refresh ISO Sheet.

  11. Resulting tag should display with Eccentric Reducer with its chosen direction.

See Also

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