How to Fix Disconnects by Picking Seal and Fastener from Spec Grid

Applies To

Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler
Environment: Windows 7/8 (64 bit)
Area: Component
Original Author:Harpreet Singh, Bentley Product Advantage Group


Earlier when fixing disconnects through connectivity checker, program used to pick first entry from the spec for Bolts and gaskets. In latest release of OpenPlant Modeler SS6, an option has been provided to show spec grid in case of multiple results found while fixing the disconnects.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Select the components to be fixed.

  2. Run connectivity checker.

  3. Click 'Show Spec Grid' icon and click Fix Disconnects button.

  4. Spec grid will appear, if more than one results are encountered in spec, to chose bolts and gaskets from.

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