How to Delete Levels and Create Custom Level List in OPIM Seed File

 Applies To 
 Product(s): OpenPlant Isometrics Manager
 Environment: Windows 8/10
 Area: Settings/Attributes
 Subarea: -
 Original Author:Michelle Saucier, Product Advantage Group


User needed to display a custom list inside OPIM Isometric Style , for Pipe Level Names. They did not want to see numerical categories, User needed Custom List Created.

Note: Before making any permanent  changes to any seed file, make a copy of the original. Rename the file you would like to start using. This way there is an "out of the box back up" ready just in case things don't quite work out. 

Steps to Accomplish:

1) Open OPIM> Tools> Configuration> Advanced> Open Seed File

Again Note: Note: Before making any permanent  changes to any seed file, make a copy of the original. Rename the file you would like to start using. This way there is an "out of the box back up" ready just in case things don't quite work out. 

2) Level Manager> Edit> Select All> Delete. 

This will now give you a smaller list than the original default with all the numerical levels. 

User is now able to add in the list needed for Project preferences. 

3) Select Add New> Rename Level> Assign Color, Line Weight, ect.....

4) Close and reopen OPIM. double check that New levels are there. 

See Also:

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