DGN files are Deleted After Line Numbers are Processed Using IsoExtractor

 Applies To 
 Product(s):Bentley PlantSpace IsoExtractor
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Database
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Author:Steve Cocchi, Bentley Product Advantage Group

Problem Description

Each time a sheet of the same line number is processed, any existing DGN file of the same line number but with different sheet numbers is deleted, even when the JSM file does not contain any of the other sheet numbers.  We also noticed that only files from the \dgn folder and \mat folder are deleted, the \L00 and \log folders are not affected.

Steps to Resolve

The underlying issue is that the intermediate files that are generated and then compared with the previous version are judged as different by the system, because the lines in which the coordinates are written have a different sequence in the file. So the content of the file is the same, but the sequence is different in the case where the cap has been removed.  As a result, spools drawings are sometimes regenerated unexpectedly. Normally that is not a problem, but if the user has changed those files manually then those changes will be lost.

The workaround to avoid losing work on manually changed files is to copy the spool files from the location where they could be overwritten before changing them. This is the workflow that is recommended by Bentley Systems to handle a scenario in which generated files are changed.

See Also


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