Add or Remove Fields from Spec Selection Dialog

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler
Environment: Windows 8/10
Area: Component
Subarea: N/A
Original Author:Michelle Saucier, Product Advantage Group


In Open Plant Modeler, some user projects require components selections from Spec Catalogs. Additional information may be needed in choosing the right component for a particular project.

Users are allowed to add or remove columns to their specific needs. A User may need to ADD the Catalog column to the Spec Selection Dialog.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Open Class Editor > Load  OpelPlant_3D.01.07.ecschema.xml schema from project data set.
  2. Supplement Schemas with > OpenPlant_3D_Supplememtal_Modeling and OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_ModelingViews.
  3. OpenPlant_3D[Supplemented] > Classes > Plant Based Object > Named Item > Device > Peiping Component > Fluid Regulator > Properties > Catalog_Name
    Note: Override is needed to alter class.....
  4. Custom Attributes > ADD/Remove Custom Attributes > OpenPlant_Physical_Catalogue_Property_Map > select down arrow to ADD > ok

  5. Tell it what Column to look in. In this case the User needs CATALOG.

  6. In the Property Display Status, give the Spec Grid Position a number that has not already been used.

  7. Save and Close.
  8. Open > OPM > Place any VALVE.....

    The end result is the added column for CATALOG NAME.....

    To remove the catalog name simply delete the Spec Grid Position from the Property Display Status and it will no longer show.

    NOTE: If you see different result from what is defined in the schema, then you will need to delete the highlighted folder (Name of project) from C:\Users\%USER_NAME%\AppData\Roaming\Bentley\OpenPlantModeler\8.11

See Also

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