How to Add Component as a Tool in Piping Task

Applies To

Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler
Version(s) (SS5) & 08.11.11.xx (SS6)
Environment: Windows 7/8 (64 bit)
Area: Component
Original Author:Harpreet Singh, Bentley Product Advantage Group


By default, tools for some components are not present in piping task but they could be placed with the help of key-in command. If user want to add this component in piping task he will need to modify the DGNLIB file. In this example we will add ANGLE_CHECK_VALVE as a tool to the piping task

Steps to Accomplish

  1. In OpenPlant Modeler, go to Workspace  > Customize menu.

  2. In the customize dialog, go to File menu and select pm_tools.dgnlib file to open as highlighted below.

  3. Once the DGNLIB opens up, expand the pm_tools.dgnlib node and go to valves tool box.

  4. Right click on Place Valves and select add tool option.

  5. Name the tool as 'Angle Check Valve' as shown below.

  6. Add the command data as highlighted below.

  7. In General Settings, click ellipse button to open the icons.

  8. Select the icon for the tool and click OK.

  9. Change other settings as highlighted below.

  10. Drag the tool from left side and place it under Angle Valve tool on the right side.

    NOTE: If you want you can group Angle Valve and Angle Check Valve in User task.

  11. Now go back to the model (DGN file) and check piping task.

  12. Place the valve to verify the result.

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