AutoPLANT V8i SELECT Series 1 Installation Check List And Installation Procedure [TN]

Applies To 
Product(s):AutoPLANT Plant Design
Version(s): V8i
Environment: N/A
Area: N/A
Subarea: N/A
Original Author:Joey Bertone, Bentley Technical Support Group

Pre-Install Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Operating System

Autodesk AutoCAD

Bentley AutoPLANT

Other Requirements

User Rights

Windows Vista rights

Install Procedure

This install procedure is for users with no experience with Bentley AutoPLANT such as new users or I.T. admin installing the program on user's machines.  Using the following steps will result in a working base install avoiding common install issues.

  1. Ensure that the user installing AutoPLANT has admin rights for the computer and that the final user has admin rights to the computer.
  2. Install Autodesk AutoCAD. AutoCAD must be installed before the AutoPLANT. Before installing AutoPLANT ensure that all versions of AutoCAD that will be used with AutoPLANT is installed and working correctly.
  3. Open each AutoCAD one time. IMPORTANT: Open each AutoCAD in use one time so AutoCAD can build the unnamed profile, AutoPLANT uses the unnamed profile to create the AutoPLANT profiles. If the unnamed profile does not exist and AutoPLANT is installed AutoPLANT will not function and AutoPLANT will need to be uninstalled and AutoCAD will need a repair install before installing AutoPLANT again.
  4. Start the install process from the downloaded file appd08110630en.exe. If the file was downloaded from the downloaded will place the file in the default location C:\Program Files\Bentley\Downloads.
    FYI: the file name appd08110630en equates to the following;
    (appd = AutoPlant Plant Design) (08110630 version, (en Program Language English)
  5. Follow the install program and allow it to install to its default location.
  6. When prompted install all Catalogs and Spec types.
  7. Do not customize the setup. AutoPLANT will install all modules, project, and Configurations by default. From this point there are no other prompts and AutoPLANT will be fully installed once complete.
  8. After installation access AutoPLANT Plant Design from the Bentley Plant V8i icon.

See Also

Product TechNotes and FAQs

External Links

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

Bentley LEARN Server

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