How to Setup Kernel level debugging of the DataManager application?

Applies To Debugging/Logging

AutoPLANT Data Manager

Environment: N/A
Area: N/A
Subarea: N/A
Original Author:Brandon Moberg, Bentley Product Advantage Group

Please follow the steps below to set up logging of the Data Manager application:

Download the required logging file at the location below:

  1. Place datamanager.aplogn.xml in the same folder as the datamanager.exe
    (typically “C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\Plant V8i\Bin\datamanager.aplogn.xml”)

  2. Correct the log file path if necessary (currently it’s “c:\tmp\datamanager.log”), the folder should be accessible, so, for example, “Program Files” is NOT a good place. A good example to use would be “c:\tmp”. Make sure that this folder exists.

  3. Run Data manager and try and follow the steps to reproduce your error.

  4. Browse to and open the log file created in the c:\tmp folder.

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