Migrating the Plant Project and ProjectWise databases to a new server

Applies To 
Product(s):Project Administrator 
Environment: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64 bit)
Area: Plant Project Tools
Subarea: Database Management, Migration
Original Author:Brandon Moberg, Bentley Product Advantage Group

Please find below the listed general notes regarding how to manually disconnect the "Plant Project Database" Project from the old ProjectWise Server and then re-connect to a new ProjectWise Server.  Please note that this is a general overview and explains procedures that will require a SQL DBA and advanced Bentley Software Administrator.  It is best to create backups of all data before migrating.

  1. Move documents in ProjectWise over to new Server. This can be done by the standard ProjectWise Export process.  We are focusing on the data.
  2. Disconnect the ProjectWise project that has been moved to a standard AutoPLANT project. Once it has been un-integrated we can then begin the process via Project Administrator to reintegrate via the application.

First time only (every other occurrence of another project being moved should write to the newly create AP_PWMAP and AP_PROP tables):
Modifications to PW SQL Server: (Need the SQL Server Admin)

Rename the AP_PROP and AP_PWMAP tables so they are backed up (Example: AP_PROP_BAK)
Open the AP_PROP table copy the exact connect string value for CONNECTSTRING PROPVALUE. This will be the very long connection string. We will need this to put in the Project.ini Projdata section pointing back to the standard database.

AutoPLANT Re-setup with Connection String.

  1.  Project.ini (on the J:\PROJECTLIST\PROJECTNAME\PROJECT.INI file.)
  2. Back this file up. Make a copy and rename to Project_todaysdate.ini
  3. Find the Projdata=PROJECTWISE line and change it to Projdata= (paste the long connection string from the AP_PROP table).
  4. Find the [PROJECTWISE] and [PROJECTWISE-FOLDERMAPPING] sections and delete the entire sections.
  5. Save and exit.
  6. Test using project using the SUPERVISOR\SUPERVISOR login and password. Project should be disconnected from Projectwise and working as a standard AutoPLANT project.

If you receive an error that it cannot connect or receive the similar error that the connection string is incorrect then follow the steps below:

  1. Open Project Administrator.
  2. Expand the project list folder and select the project.
  3. Login to the project using SUPERVISOR/SUPERVISOR. This will most likely fail due to the connection string being corrupted.
  4. Right click on the project and select re-validate.
  5. You should now be able to right click on the project > Expand Databases Section > Select Projdata > Select Modify.
  6. The UDL connection dialog will appear and most likely will show the corrupt connection string. Enter the appropriate connection details to connect to the AutoPLANT SQL Server Database.
  7. Select Test Connection and Save the dialog.
  8. Open DataManager and see if you can connect to the database and work with data.

If yes and the project is now disconnected from ProjectWise we now have a working disconnected standard Autoplant Project that is ready to be integrated with ProjectWise.

ProjectWise Integration:

  1. Open Project Administrator.
  2. Expand the project list folder and expand the project.
  3. Expand ProjectWise > Configure.
  4. Select the option to Integrate
  5. Select the ProjectWise Datasource (Remember the AutoPLANT SQL DB User and that ProjectWise SQL DB User must be the same with DBO rights)
  6. Select OK to integrate and the project should integrate with ProjectWise. You might get a dialog prompting for pathing. Remember you can go back after and copy in the [PROJECTWISE_PATHING] information from the old project.ini into the new Project.ini.
  7. Save and Exit the project.ini and test the connections to ProjectWise.

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