Create or Copy a BRCM project

 Product(s):Bentley Raceway and Cable Management
 Area:Project Setup
 Subarea:Project Manager


Creating a new project is best accomplished by copying an existing project. This article describes the procedure for both creating a new project and copying an existing project. When first starting out in BRCM, it is appropriate to copy one of the sample projects installed with the software.

Steps to Accomplish

Creating/Copying the project

  1. Start Bentley Raceway and Cable Management.
  2. On the File Open dialog, select the source project for the Project field. This should bring the focus of the dialog to that project's folder.
  3. On the File Open dialog, select a DGN file in the source project's folder. Select a DGN file that has been registered to the project, if possible. In the case of a sample project, any DGN file should be appropriate. A DGN file should be registered to the project if it is to contain BRCM objects like raceway, equipment, or 2D extractions.
  4. Click Open.
  5. From the Tasks area, select BRCM Setup > Project Manager. Register the DGN file if prompted.
  6. Right-click anywhere on the left-hand pane of the Project Manager dialog and select Copy Project. The resulting Copy Project dialog will look very similar to Project Manager.
  7. Click the row for BRCM_PROJECTNAME in the left pane. In the right pane, specify the desired folder name for the project the Value field.
  8. Click the row for BRCM_DB_ID in the left pane. In the right pane, specify a value in the Value field that follows the [[Rules for Regular Identifiers]]. This value does not have to match the value given for BRCM_PROJECTNAME.
  9. Click the row for BRCM_DSCOPY in the left pane. In the right pane, choose Yes or No. Choosing Yes will copy the dataset used by the source project into a subfolder of the new project's folder and point the new project to use this dataset. If No is chosen, the dataset will not be copied and the new project will be pointed to the same dataset as the source project. Note: the dataset contains raceway and equipment content, report templates, seed files, EC schemas, and more.
  10. Click OK on the Copy Project dialog. The software will display "The new project has been created. Restart Bentley Raceway and Cable Management and select the project."
  11. Click OK on the Project Manager dialog.
  12. Close BRCM.

Using the new project

  1. There will be no DGN files in the new project. If the project is to be a copy of or based on another project, DGN files from the source project can be copied into the new project's folder.
  2. Start Bentley Raceway and Cable Management.
  3. On the File Open dialog, select the new project for the Project field.
  4. Select a DGN file copied in step 1, otherwise see the Create a new DGN file section below.

Create a new DGN File

  1. Start Bentley Raceway and Cable Management.
  2. On the File Open dialog, select the new project for the Project field.
  3. On the File Open dialog, click the button for creating a new DGN file.
  4. On the New dialog, specify the file name in the File Name field.
  5. On the New dialog, click Browse to select the seed file to be used for the new file. If unsure, select the DGN file in the "seed" subfolder of the dataset folder that the new project is using.
  6. Click OK.