How to Change OPPID and Plant Project's Names

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant PID V8i
Environment: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64 bit)
Area: Database - Plant project
Original Author:Kestutis Mitkus, Bentley Product Advantage Group


Sometimes user needs to rename his OPPID and Plant Projects. OpenPlant PID project renaming is simple, but for Plant Project renaming procedure is not enough to rename project and its directories. In below instruction you will find the correct way of how to rename Plant Project.

OpenPlant PID Project's Renaming procedure

  1. Go to OpenPlant PID project location and change its directory and project's *pcf file name
  2. Open OpenPlant PID projects PC file and edit _USTN_PROJECTNAME variable

Plant Project's Renaming procedure

  1. Open project in Bentley Project Administrator and in Main Project's section change project's name

  2. Go to Plant Project's location and rename Projects Directory

  3. Open at_proj.dbf file using DBF Commander application and edit proj_path variable, which is still left with older directory name.

    After editing proj_path value, select with mouse cursor on other field(descript or other) and then just close application. Reopen it to verify that change was saved.

  4. Open at_proj.db3 file using SQLite Studio application and edit proj_path variable, which is still left with older directory name.

    Reopen same file to verify that changes was saved

  5. Open Bentley Project Administrator and verify that project name is changed.

  6. Go To Plant project's database and open dbo.project table. Check Project's Name value and verify that it is as well changed.

Project renaming procedure video:

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