How to Place an Isometric Break Point in OpenPlant Modeler

Applies To

Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler
Version(s) (SS5) & 08.11.11.xx (SS6)
Environment: Windows 7/8.1/10(64 bit)
Area: Component-OpenPlant Modeler
Original Author:Swapnil Joshi, Bentley Product Advantage Group


The user might want to break the Isometric at a specific point. To facilitate that there is an option in OpenPlant Modeler which allows the user to accomplish the same. The steps to break isometric at certain point are mentioned in the wiki article. 

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Launch OpenPlant Modeler v8i and open the model.

  2. From the Piping Tasks select Place Note (keyboard V+1).

  3. Select the Note Type as Isometric Break Point.

  4. Select the component and snap the end on which the Iso-Break is to be placed.

  5. Generate Isometrics and verify results.

See Also

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