Notes On Running ProjectWise XM And V8i On The Same Machine [TN]

Applies To 
Product(s):ProjectWise XM and V8i with AutoPLANT integration
Version(s):XM ( & V8i (
Environment: N/A
Area: N/A
Subarea: N/A
Original Author:Bentley Product Advantage Group


This TechNote goes over important issues dealing with ProjectWise integration with AutoPLANT with "Side by Side Installation" of ProjectWise.  "Side by Side Installation" refers to having two or more different releases of a product running on the same machine.  In this case, it is referring to the XM release of AutoPLANT and Projectwise with the V8i release of the same products.  The two versions of ProjectWise that this document focuses on is for XM and for V8i.  The versions of AutoPLANT are (with SP2 and Framework for XM and 8.11 (pdw 8.11. and Framework

Things to Know

Version Switching

In order to use AutoPLANT's Project Administrator with the corect version of ProjectWise, the computer running the two versions most have the correct version set, ie. XM for XM and V8i for V8i.  The one exception to this would be to run with AutoPLANT patch that allows XM to work with V8i ProjectWise that was mentioned above.  In order to do the Version Switching, the client will need to do the following:

  1. Opening the Control Panel loads the explorer.exe process, which may interfere when you try to switch the version of the ProjectWise Network Configuration Utility. Before you begin, it is recommended that you restart your computer, or otherwise ensure that the explorer.exe process is not running. If you have not opened the Control Panel since starting your computer, you can probably skip this step.
  2. Open a command prompt and go to "...\ProjectWise\bin" or "...\ProjectWise V8i\bin" depending on where it was installed
  3. To switch the active version type the following for each version (Note: Excluding the " " for the command below, it is just to show the whole command that is needed)
    1. For ProjectWise XM type "cscript versionSwitch.vbs /89" 
    2. For ProjectWise 2004 type "cscript versionSwitch.vbs /85"
    3. For ProjectWise V8i type "cscript versionSwitch.vbs /811"


For more information on running ProjectWise XM and V8i Side by Side, please contact Technical Support. 

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