How To Create Reserved Area In OpenPlant Modeler.

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler 

CONNECT Edition ( Update-7)

Environment: Windows 8.1/10 (64-bit)
Area: Equipment
Subarea: -
Original Author:Shubham Sawant,Bentley Product Advantage Group

While designing of plant project, the departmental interface is an important thing. Each department is dependent on each other for their tasks. Keeping dependency in mind, no department can wait more than their allotted time to the tasks which depend on other department’s input (especially piping). The delay can be due to various reasons. So instead of waiting, a designer can proceed by putting the tentative area which can be called a reserved area so that they can modify it later when input from another department is available.


In OpenPlant Modeler CE, the new tool is introduced for placing the reserved area in the model. This Wiki shows the procedure for the same as follows.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Launch OpenPlant Modeler CONNECT Edition.

  2. From desired Workspace/Workset Open a model on which the reserved area to be placed.

  3. From Equipment > User Defined click on Reserved area as shown

  4. This will show the message to the left bottom corner to select the point from which the area should be placed as shown

  5. At the same time, preview dialogue for the area gets pop up as shown

  6. Select the point & start placing the area in X, Y & Z direction with desired dimensions.

    As shown the Reserved area is placed.

See Also

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