How to Export Metada from imodel of OpenPlant Modeler to Access.mdb file.

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler CONNECT Edition

Environment: Windows 8.1/10 (64-bit)
Area: OPM Reporting
Subarea: Via Excel or Access
Original Author:Shubham Sawant, Bentley Product Advantage Group


In OpenPlant Modeler CE, the requirement is to export i-model metadata into the Access.mdb file. Later on, it can be saved as Excel reports. This wiki article will explain the steps for the same as follows.

Steps to Accomplish

    1. Launch OpenPlant Project Modeler CONNECT Edition.

    2. Open the required workspace & workset. Create a new pipeline & place piping component.

    3. Publish an i-model. Also notice the location where it gets saved as highlighted in yellow below.

    4. Launch Access from any of the shortcut having in a machine.

    5. Create a new database file as shown

    6. Click on External Data & go to ODBC Database as shown

    7. Click on ok to select the source & destination of the data as shown

  1. Select the data source ( here i-model) as shown

  2. Select the path, where i-model is created in step-3 above.

  3. Select objects which needs to be imported accordingly & hit Ok. For this wiki, we are taking all objects, thus selecting all as shown

  4. Notice that, a separate table has been created for objects selected above at left pane. Also, upon clicking any of the information table it will show the necessary information as shown

See Also

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