How to Create & Place a Custom Angle Pipe Elbow.

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler CONNECT Edition

Environment: Windows 8.1/10 (64-bit)
Area: Custom component
Subarea: custom elbow
Original Author:Shubham Sawant,Bentley Product Advantage Group


In OpenPlant Modeler CE, the requirement is to create a custom elbow, let’s say 40 degree. By default, OPM can only place only 90 degree, 60 degree & 45-degree elbows as shown

This wiki article explains how to create a custom elbow of 40 degree.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Launch Bentley Class Editor CONNECT Edition.

  2. For desired workset location, Select OpenPlant_3D.01.08 schema & click on Open to load the schema. Supplement the loaded schema with OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Modeling.01.08.ecschema & OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Information_3DComponent.01.08.ecschema

    Refer the attached Wiki link to know, How to Load & Supplement Schema in Bentley Class Editor. 

  3. From search button, search for Pipe Elbow Trimmed as shown

  4. Right-click Pipe Elbow class and select Add Derived Class option

  5. Add class name and display label according to the angle. For example, add Name as PIPE_ELBOW_40_Degree and DisplayLabel as Pipe Elbow 40 Degree for 40 degree pipe elbow.

  6. In Pipe Elbow class, Go to the OpenPlant_Physical Child_classes section. Right-click EC_Class_Name and select add element option. Add your class name in the EC_Class_Name array

  7. In custom angle pipe elbow class (created at step 4), Go to properties and select Angle property in your class. Click Custom Attributes... and select Add/Remove option.

  8. Add OpenPlant_Physical_Catalogue_Property_Map from custom attributes dialog. Make sure to set location as OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Modeling.01.08

  9. Add angle as ECExpression value in OpenPlant_Physical_Catalogue_Property_Map section. For example, Right click ECExpression > Add Element set its value to 40 for 40 degree pipe elbow.

  10. Right click your class and select Custom Attrubutes > Add/ Remove.

  11. Add Component Ports Information attribute from custom attribute dialog. Make sure to set location as OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Information_3DComponent

  12. Right click the Port Type and click Add Element twice.

  13. Add No. of Ports value as 2 & Add Port Type[0] value as MAIN_PORT and Port Type[1] value as RUN_PORT.

  14. Save the schema changes as shown

  15. Now, open the spec database for the desired workspace/workset from the below mentioned path

    C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\Workspaces\WORKSPACE_NAME\WorkSets\WORKSET_NAME\Standards\OpenPlant\Specs

  16. Open the desired spec, let’s take mEX-OPM spec as an example.

  17. Open the Elbow table in database & new record of 40 degree. For example let’s filter the elbow of 100mm,copy the previous record, paste it below & edit the records as shown

  18. Save the spec & launch OpenPlant Modeler CONNECT Edition.
  19. place the pipe 100 mm of mEX-OPM spec
  20. As the direct tool is not available in the component gallery for the placement of 40-degree elbow, enter the key-in “ mechaddin place PIPE_ELBOW_40_DEGREE dsc=piping” as shown to place the same.

    Note: To add the 40 degrees as a tool in the component gallery on the OPM interface, please have a look at the attached wiki link. Link >>  

  21. Place elbow at the end of the pipe as shown

    Notice that, the elbow of 40 degrees is placed successfully.

See Also

Still a Problem?

If above problem still persists, then please create a Service Request and contact the Bentley Product Advantage group.  Please include a list of all relevant details to get in depth analysis for a solution or workaround