How to change the background color of preview dialogue.

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler 


Environment: Windows 8.1/10 (64-bit)
Area: View
Subarea: Background color
Original Author:Shubham Sawant ,Bentley Product Advantage Group


In OpenPlant Modeler CE, the requirement is to change the background color of the preview or view. This wiki article explains how to change the same. By Default, the background color for any wireframe view or preview of any placement dialogue is black as shown.

>> Preview of placement dialogue

>> Preview of an isometric view

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Launch OpenPlant Modeler CONNECT Edition.

  2. Choose the required Workspace, Workset & open any design (.dgn) file.

  3. Go to   File > Settings > User > Preferences as shown below

  4. From view options > check on the Black Background - > White & click on ok as shown below.

  5. Once done, notice the change in background color as shown

    The background color is changed to white from black to white.

See Also

Still a Problem?

If above problem still persists, then please create a Service Request and contact the Bentley Product Advantage group.  Please include a list of all relevant details to get in depth analysis for a solution or workaround