How to Change Miscellaneous Attachment Annotation Container in CONNECT Edition

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition
Environment: Windows 10 (64-bit)
Area: Settings/Attributes
Original Author:Evander Cabalagan, Bentley Global Technical Support


To differentiate regular and normal comment with miscellaneous attachment annotation container should be different from the regular comment annotation container.

Steps to Accomplish

A. Possible suggestion for OpenPlant Isometrics Manager version & above

  1. Follow folder location and open annotation.dgn.
    C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\OpenPlantExample\Standards\OpenPlant\IsometricsManager\CellTemplates
  2. Copy NOTE_CIRCLE as reference and follow the details below.
  3. Save and close seed file.
  4. Add New Label and type the given values.
    Name: Instrument Bubble Label
    Text: $(TEXT)
    Type: NOTE
    Cell Name: NOTE_CIRCLE2
  5. In Variable Shape Note Label, type EC_CLASS=INSTR_NOTE in Exclude.
  6. Save and generate Isometrics.

B. Possible suggestion for OpenPlant Isometrics Manager version & above

  1. Open Bentley Class Editor V8i.
  2. Open OpenPlant_3D.01.08ecschema.xml
  3. In Note Class, right click and select Add Property.
  4. Specify name for the new property: NOTE_TYPE_PROPERTY
  5. TypeName: int
  6. Add Custom Attributes and select AutoPLANT_PDW_Property_Map
  7. Open OpenPlant Isometrics Manager and Add New Label.
    Name: TIE- In Labels
    Text: $(TEXT)
    Type: NOTE
    Cell Name: NOTE_DIAMOND
  8. In Note Labels, type NOTE_TYPE_PROPERTY>1 in exclude. The purpose of this is to avoid in obtaining standard note in TIE- In Labels.

    REMARK: When place an attachment in AutoPLANT and specify an “Annotation Container” (Round, Square, Pointed, Triangle, Diamond, Circle) then the property PROPERTY is filled with an int value like 4/8/16/32/64/128.

    When additional click the checkbox “Dimension in Iso”, the values are 5/9/17/33/65/129To have the requested Tie-In cell available in the cell library, open the cell library ‘Lisocomp.cell’ for the active style with MicroStation or with the OP graphic shell.
  9. To have the requested Tie- In cell available in the cell library, open the cell library Lisocomp.cell for the active style with MicroStation or with the OpenPlant graphic shell.
  10. In Models, locate the standard NOTE.
  11. Copy the NOTE and name to NOTE_DIAMOND.
  12. Use the command Insert Vertex to turn into hexagonal shape from rectangular shape.

    REMARK: The proper way to create new symbols is to use the template example files and create a new note label template.

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