How to changes Cell graphics in OpenPlant PID CE

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant PID

CONNECT Edition 10.11.++

Environment: Windows 10/11 (64-bit)
Area: Cells
Subarea: Graphics
Original Author:Nikitesh Kawana, Bentley Global Technical Support


If user wishes to add Label/ text or add graphics to existing cell component, this Wiki will help to accomplish that. In this case we will do make changes in Valve

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Start OpenPlant PID CE
  2. Open .dgn file with concerned Workspace and Workset
  3. Place a Ball Valve
  4. Open Key In Browser, and type ‘’ pid component dump’’

  5. Open Valve.cel file  located at
    C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\Workspace\WorkSets\Workset\Standards\OpenPlant\PID\cell

  6. Go to model and open Hvalve_BALL_Open

  7. Add Required Text/Graphics to cell

  8. Do save cell and save settings

  9. Go to Workfile  dgn and run Key In Browser with command ‘’ pid component redraw cells’’, graphics of cell will be changed

See Also