How to Add New Attribute in PCF File in OpenPlant Modeler Connect Edition

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant Isometric Manager
Version(s):CONNECT Edition (
Environment:Windows 10 (64 bit) & Above
Subarea: PCF File
Original Author: Chanchal Mashalkar, Bentley Global Technical Support


In OpenPlant Isometrics Manager, PCF file will be generated for other systems software and hence it is required to have desired attributes inside the PCF file. Below steps illustrates adding the new attributes inside the file. Below content has been described in context with OpenPlant Modeler and OpenPlant Isometrics Manager.

Steps to Accomplish

To Add Drawing Attribute Tag Data

  1. After Generating an isometric the attribute in the image below shows under Tag Data in Drawing section.

    Note: Attribute present inside the drawing tag can be read in PCF file under HDR section

  2. Now add the same variable inside the PCF.INI file. It can be found under isometrics configurable folder under particular style. 

    Path to follow the default style IFC:

    C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\OpenPlantExample\WorkSets\Metric\Standards\OpenPlant\Isometrics\styles\IFC\config

  3. Add under Header specification as shown in below image for two attributes, namely WALL_THICKNESS and NUMBER.

  4. Save & Close this file.

  5. Generate Isometrics and check the information in PCF file. See image below.

    Note:This PCF file will be find under below path.

    C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\OpenPlantExample\WorkSets\Metric\WorkFiles\Isometrics\Styles\IFC\PCF


    Under ISO-Extractor  window find in Workfile root as show in the image below.



  6. If there is no PCF Folder under the above path then in the Output format check the PCF section as shown in image below.



To Add Component Tag Data

  1. Add the attribute under Component Data section in the PCF.ini file. The path mentioned in the above in the tag data section.

  2. Add few attributes like MANUFACTURER, NOMINAL_DIAMETER,  etc under Component data to produce pipe material section. Also add few attributes like WEIGHT, COMPONENT_NAME under Article Data to produce under Component section as shown in below image.

  3. Save & Close the file.

  4. Generate the isometric again and check the information in PCF file. See image below.

    Under Component Data

    Under Material Section

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