How to make a Chemical Seal Component a Modeled Component in OPM

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler CONNECT Edition
Environment: Windows 11 (64-bit)
Area: Custom Component
Subarea:  Fitting
Original Author:Sameer Bagwan, Bentley Global Technical Support


This document explains the steps necessary to have the Chemical Seal component, place in OpenPlant Modeler. Out of the box, this class does not have the required creation attributes. Additionally, this component does not have its own specific draw scripts, so user will need to use a generic INLINE_PIPE_COMPONENT draw script and add the records to the specification.

This same procedure can be applied to multiple classes. Special provisions for draw scripts and customization of OpenPlant Modeler are not covered here. As noted above, this is modifying an existing class and use an existing component scripting definition to add the component to a model.

Steps to Accomplish

   A. Verify the Base Class Mappings

   In this section, user must verify the schema structure for the CHEMICAL_SEAL class. This is a requirement to ensure that the component can be properly placed in PID and in Modeler and be placed using the Consistency Manager.

  1. Launch Bentley Class Editor.
  2. Within user WorkSet, browse to, and open the OpenPlant, OpenPlant_3D and OpenPlant_PID schemas.
  3. Supplement the schemas as noted in the chart below.


Supplemental Schemas


OpenPlant_Supplemental_ConsistencyChecker, OpenPlant_Supplemental_Mapping_OpenPlantBIS, OpenPlant_Supplemental_Tagging, OpenPlant_Supplementatl_Units


OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_DefaultValues, OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Information_3DComponent, OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Mapping_OpenPlantBIS, OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Modeling, OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_ModelingViews, OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Units



4.  Using the Search tool, locate the CHEMICAL_SEAL class.Start in the OpenPlant schema and verify the class exist.
5. Locate the CHEMICAL_SEAL class in the OpenPlant_PID schema and verify it has a Base Class of op:CHEMICAL_SEAL.
6. Locate the CHEMICAL_SEAL class in the OpenPlant_3D schema and verify it has a Base Class of op:CHEMICAL_SEAL.

   B. Adding Mapping to MappingsTagClass.json File

  In this series of step, user must add the mapping information to the MappingsTagClass.json file. This is easier to perform using a text editor.

  1. Launch text editor.
  2. Load the MappingsTagClass.json file located in the “…\WorkSets\<User WorkSet Name>\Standards\OpenPlant\Mapping” directory.
  3. Add a Calculated ECProperty Specification, Category, and Property Display Status custom attributes. Make sure to place the Calculated ECProperty Specification custom attribute in the OpenPlant_3D_Supplemental_Modeling schema.


    "Source": "op3d:CHEMICAL_SEAL",

    "Display" : "Chemical Seal",

    "Category" : "Instrument",

    "MappedTargets": ["op:CHEMICAL_SEAL"],

    "IsPolymorphic" : false,

    "HideDisplayOnlyIfIn3D" : true


  4. Save the file.

   C. Modifying the OpenPlant_3D Schema and the Chemical Seal Class

  In this series of step, user needs to modify the CHEMICA_SEAL class so it has the required custom attributes for insertion in OpenPlant Modeler.

  1. Continuing in the Class Editor.
  2. Browse to the CHEMICAL_SEAL class under the INSTRUMENT parent class.
  3. The class will need four additional custom attributes. User will need to add:

    Custom Attribute

    Schema Location

    Creation Attribute


    Component Ports Information




    Use Class As Custom Component


  4. Fill in the Custom Attributes as shown below.
  5. Save the schemas.

  D. Modifying the OpenPlant_3D Schema and the Chemical Seal Class

  Out of the box, the CHEMICAL_SEAL is defined like other inline instruments. It will require a specification entry to be usable in OpenPlant Modeler. The step-by-step procedure for adding specification records will  not be addressed in this document.

  The element type used from the catalog was a Generic Inline Pipe component. This was in the MISCELLANEOUS table of the Catalog. NOTE: The table that user add the chemical seals into MUST match the Table value user assigned in the OpenPlant_Physical_Catalogue_Class_Map custom attribute user added in the previous section of this procedure.

  E. Modifying the OpenPlant_3D Schema and the Chemical Seal Class

   Once user create the definition for the Chemical Seal, user can place this from the Consistency Manager using the right-click on the component node. If user want to insert this straight away, user can use a Key-in     to invoke the insertion routine and then Browse for the tag.


Still a Problem?

If above problem still persists, then please create a Service Request and contact the Bentley Product Advantage group.  Please include a list of all relevant details to get in depth analysis for a solution or workaround.