How to Configure Page Connectors to Show Pipe Run Equipment in OPPID

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant PID Edition
Environment: Windows 11 (64-bit)
Area: Customization
Subarea: Page Connector
Original Author:Sameer Bagwan, Bentley Global Technical Support


This document explains the configuration changes required to get the equipment tag to/from information from the Pipe Run connected to the Page Connector. It is common for a page connector to display the equipment that the related pipe run is connecting to and display the equipment that the related pipe run is connecting from, on the off-page connector as annotation. This document will cover how to automate the retrieval of the equipment tag from the origin, and termination points of the related pipe run. Two methods will be provided – a simple solution and a more direct solution requiring more extensive schema modifications.

Also included is instruction on how to alter the Page Connector Sequence Number to show two digits, moving the linked PID document name to the center of the page connector, and publishing the related equipment to the Page Connector class in PlantSight, Engineering Data Manager, Tag Browser.


Steps to Accomplish

A. Creating New Properties To Contain the Related Equipment Tags – OpenPlant Schema

To start, user need two new properties on the page connector to hold the related equipment tags. This will start in the OpenPlant schema, so these values are reported in PlantSight and Engineering Data Manager.

  1. Launch the Bentley Class Editor and load the OpenPlant schema located in the “…\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\<User Workspace Name>\WorkSets\<User WorkSet Name>\Standards\OpenPlant\Schemas” directory.
  2. Supplement the schema with the OpenPlant_Supplemental_ConsistencyChecker, OpenPlant_Supplemental_Mapping_OpenPlantBIS, and OpenPlant_Supplemental_Tagging schemas.
  3. Browse to and click on the CROSS_PAGE_CONNECTION class. Click on the Properties tab.
  4. Click Add… > New and add a new property named EQUIPMENT_FROM.
  5. Repeat this process and add a property named EQUIPMENT_TO.
  6. Save the schemas

B. Configuring New and Existing Properties in The OpenPlant_PID Schema

In this section, user will need to modify the LINK_LABEL property to display the sequence number value as two digits. Modify the newly created equipment from and equipment to properties to get the related equipment tags from the related pipe run.

  1. Continuing in the OpenPlant schema, locate the CROSS_PAGE_CONNECTION class.
  2. On the Class tab, locate the Business Key Numbering custom attribute. Click in the Numbering Format field and change the value to TWO hash tags (pound signs) as in ##.
  3. Continuing in the Bentley Class Editor, load the OpenPlant_PID schema located in the “…\OpenPlant CONNECT Edition\Configuration\WorkSpaces\<User Workspace Name>\WorkSets\<User WorkSet Name>\Standards\OpenPlant\Schemas” directory.
  4. Supplement the schema with the OpenPlant_PID_Supplemental_Design schema.
    First edit the LINK_LABEL property to have only two digits.
  5. Browse to the CROSS_PAGE_CONNECTION class. Click on the Properties tab.
  6. Locate the LINK_LABEL property. Find the Property Custom Attributes custom attribute and set the Format String field to {0:D2}.
    This will set the sequence number to be two digits instead of the default four digits.
  7. Continuing in the OpenPlant_PID schema, locate the OFFPAGE_CONNECTOR class, click on the Properties tab.
  8. Locate the EQUIPMENT_FROM property and click Override.
  9. Click Custom Attributes… > Add/Remove… and add a Calculated ECProperty Specification and Category custom attribute. Fill these in as shown below.

    NOTE – the schema location of the custom attribute. The Category custom attribute is optional.

    For clarity, the ECExpression:


  10. Repeat this process on the EQUIPMENT_TO property but note the change in the ECExpression. See below.
    For clarity, the ECExpression:
  11. Save the schemas.

C. Repositioning the Linked Model Name and Sequence Number on the Connector

In this section user must modify the LINK_LABEL and LINKED_MODEL properties so the annotation is centered vertically on the page connector cell, and the LINK_LABEL is just outside of the tail of the page connector cell.

For this exercise, use the default page connector cell, but can perform this operation on the others OTTB cell and on a custom cell of users own making.

  1. Continuing the OFFPAGE_CONNECTOR class, locate the LINK_LABEL property.
  2. On the Annotation Custom Attributes custom attribute, expand the Origin Offset field. Change the “X” value to -0.25. Tab out of the field. Change the “Y” value to 0.25. Tab out of the field.
    This will shift the Sequence Number from inside of the connector to just outside and above the connector. These values can be adjusted for user specific page connector cell.
  3. Browse to the LINKED_MODEL property and locate the Annotation Custom Attributes custom attribute, expand the Origin Offset field.
  4. Change the “Y” value to 0. Tab out of the field.
    This will set the connected PID name to be centered vertically within the page connector cell.
  5. Save the schemas.

D. Adding a Property to Display the Tag of the Related Equipment

In this section user should add a new property to the OFFPAGE_CONNECTOR class that will contain the related equipment tag from the pipe run. User will rely on another property already on the class, which defines if the page connector is an on or off connector. Using this, user can set the displayed property/annotation correctly.

  1. Continuing the OpenPlant_PID schema and the OFFPAGE_CONNECTOR class.
  2. In the Properties tab, click Add… > New.
  3. Add a new property named TO_FROM_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_LABEL.
  4. To this property add an Annotation Custom Attributes, and a Calculated ECProperty Specification custom attribute. Fill these in as shown below.
    For clarity, the ECExpression is IIf(this.ByType=0,this.EQUIPMENT_TO,IIf(this.ByType=1,this.EQUIPMENT_FROM,"")).

    This instructs the new property to retrieve the ByType property value and then use this to determine whether to use the EQUIPMENT_FROM or EQUIPMENT_TO property to annotate the page connector. Note the Origin Offset Y value for the location of the annotation.
  5. Save the schemas.

E.  Testing the Configuration

Now that user have completed the configuration, user need to test it. This involves testing in OpenPlant PID, and then in PlantSight

> Testing of Page Connector Related Equipment in OpenPlant PID

Start by testing the use of Engineering Design States in OpenPlant PID. User will need to place a few components and set the design state. This WorkSet must be associated to a PlantSight project, and the schemas should be setup in the PlantSight project iModel.

  1. Launch OpenPlant PID and create a new P&ID design file.
  2. Add the necessary Associated Item properties.
  3. Add a Pump, a pipeline on the discharge of the pump and add a New Page Connector to the end of the pipeline. Synchronize this file to PlantSight.

    NOTE: In the image below, note the Sequence Number is two digits and offset from the connector cell. The From indicates the pump placed in this drawing. Also note the because the connector ByType property is “0”. When this is “0” the expression is defined to report on the To property. Currently this connector and pipe run is not routed to another equipment component, so the new annotation note does not display.
  4. Continuing in OpenPlant PID, create a new P&ID.
  5. Initiate the Connectors tool and add a page connector by selecting Existing Page Connector.
  6. Select the page connector created in the first P&ID and complete the placement of the pipeline.
  7. Sync to PlantSight.
    Initially, this will not show the related equipment from the first P&ID. To get this user will  need to synchronize from PlantSight to the Drawing.
  8. Sync and select PlantSight to Drawing. When complete, the related equipment from the first P&ID will appear at the page connector. User will also see the first P&ID drawing name centered in the page connector cell.
  9. While still in the second P&ID, click on the page connector, then right-click and select Follow.
  10. This will navigate user to the first P&ID. The second PID name will appear in the center of the page connector cell.
  11. Return to the second P&ID by clicking on the page connector and using Follow to navigate to the file.
  12. Once in the second P&ID, add a vessel and connect the pipeline previously created to the vessel. Sync to Drawing to PlantSight.
    Look at the properties of the page connector and note the To property now reflects the tag of the vessel that was just created.
  13. Use the Follow tool and navigate back to the first P&ID.

  14. Perform a PlantSight to Drawing sync and note the page connector will now show the vessel tag from the second P&ID.
  15. One last sync is required – sync Drawing to PlantSight. This will write the equipment to/from data to the page connector.

> Testing of Page Connector Related Equipment in OpenPlant PID

Now that user have verified the results of the configuration changes in OpenPlant PID, need to verify the changes in PlantSight.

  1. Launch PlantSight, login and load the correct project.
  2. Load the Tag management service and then the Tag Browser.
  3. Click on the Cross Page Connection class and verify the Equipment From and Equipment To properties are populated.
    Below is an image of what the results should look like. This image has additional page connectors that were not created in this test.

F.  Known Issues

Below is a list of known issues when working with this equipment tag display on page connector configuration method.

As defined in the testing, multiple sync to and from PlantSight are required to update the annotation display on the page connector. This is due to the execution of the relationship between the pipe run and the page connector. The secondary sync forces the relationship be executed additional times and this is needed to refresh the page connector.

Still a Problem?

If above problem still persists, then please create a Service Request and contact the Bentley Product Advantage group.  Please include a list of all relevant details to get in depth analysis for a solution or workaround.